
Thursday, April 4, 2013


SERIOUSLY?!?!  It's April 4th and the temperature upon waking this morning was 38.  After an outing today, I returned to our mountain valley to find ice on the trees from the freezing rain and a thermometer that read 33 degrees.  Did I say it's April 4th...and we are in North Carolina...NOT Wisconsin!

*** unaltered photo....ICE on the trees.....

 .....however it was a great day,  I continued the week long birthday celebration with bread pudding and ice cream...complete with candle!! pepper potato chips embellished with green dyed curled wool roving....
.....and stunningly beautiful sea shells from Florida, ala Val.....(all the Fiber Junkies thank you Val!!)
....and finally....there were presents to unwrap.  The Fiber Junkies had a nuno felting day today which required a major upper body workout.  Soon these 'packages' of felted wool will be unwrapped...revealing what we are sure will be stunning works of art.  

Stay tuned......


  1. So glad you are having a HAPPY BIRTHDAY week! But I'm still trying to wrap my head around the green felting in the potato chips!! What's up with that!
    p.s. Had lunch with Kay S. today!!! Fun time..we even had a show & tell!!

  2. Why green felt in the chips?? We were embellishing them of course!
