
Saturday, April 20, 2013


I've been on the road teaching......believe me...not all gigs are equal!  I'd teach until my teeth started falling out from old age if I could have this experience on every job!

The trip began with a lecture and workshop for the Island Quilters, on John's Island, SC.....just outside of Charleston.  This group was every bit as friendly and hospitable as their reputation....and wonderful cooks too!

I was so busy, unfortunately I don't have a single photo to share with bad as I saw beautiful examples of their work!

 My hostess was a friend which made the trip doubly wonderful.  Views like this off her pier are only in my dreams.....
 The beach is a walkable distance, it was difficult not to turn pea green with envy.
 Kate's daughter will be married at their home in a few weeks so we spent a fun day organizing the many (many, many many) details that are involved in hosting a wedding.  Of course we 'thought' we could get about 10 times more accomplished than we did...though we didn't slack off at all.  

This bundle of tissue paper.......
 .....turns into this charming pom pom after separating the layers....another task that wasn't nearly as quick as we expected.
 Some were strung on a ribbon garland.....
 .....and frankly, a lot more fussy to fluff out than the larger ones....
 However, certainly worth the effort.
Don't ya just love them??

My spring schedule continues to be hectic for another couple of weeks.....preventing me from spending a lot of time working on new projects.  But, I'm trying to use every spare minute and will share soon.

Hang in here with me......

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