
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Today you are in for a real treat......I want to introduce a long time friend and super talented quilter.....Kay Koper Sorensen.  Kay is responsible for getting me to my very first quilt guild meeting way back in the early 1980's.  Looking back, I'm not sure why I was so reluctant to attend....especially since I really didn't have a clue what it was all about....  A huge thank you continues to go out to Kay for pushing me!

She now spends half her year in Wisconsin and the other half in Florida where she cranks out the most wonderful quilts!  Many, if not most are created with her own dyed fabrics....including some fabulous shibori designs.

Never content to remain satisfied with her vast knowledge and skills, she's ventured into designing fabric which can be purchased through her website.  (right side bar)  Visit Kay here.  You won't be sorry that you took the time to roam into past posts to see her many other special touches.

This is one of her designs.....check out the incredible quilt she made below using sections of the print.

 I'm always in awe of her talent......isn't this stunning?!?

Here's another example of how Kay uses her own hand-dyed fabrics as the starting point for her very special quilts.

My career as a quilt professional has taken me around the world and given me so many new friends......but my admiration still continues to grow for one of my oldest pals!

1 comment:

  1. What a NICE post, Mary!! Kay is so talented and such an inspiration to so many! I always enjoy my visit with her and seeing what she produces throughout the year amazes me!!! True talent...and SO glad she encouraged you to join that guild!!! Where would we all be without both of you talented ladies!
