
Saturday, April 13, 2013


How fortunate can I be??  I have THE BEST friends....EVER!!

 Look what arrived in the mail from my long time friend Helen who claimed she needed to down size her stash......
 AND...look what these boxes were filled with.....stacks and stacks of batiks.....luscious, inspirational, and beautiful pieces!
She claimed many were printed 'off registration'.....oh dear....will that stop me from using it....NEVER.  Actually, my style of work benefits from prints with less precision.  I'm super, super grateful....thank you dear friend.

 In the same mail, another friend, Sheila, sent a very special piece of fabric that had been hand dyed by a mutual friend who we both have in our prayers. 

This photo doesn't do it it's darker than it appears.  I knew in a nano second after opening the envelope, what I wanted to do with it to honor and celebrate the life of our friend.
 I've been saving these 5 stones for a long time....perhaps I'll use just three to signify Judi, Sheila, and myself.
This batik (which was nearly on the top of the stack in the 2nd box I opened) is the perfect companion fabric.  Though I want to jump right in, I know I need to be thoughtful and take my time with this very special project.

Quilting has been such a positive addition to my life.....and the friends that I've made along the quilting highway will always be precious to me.  Give your friend a hug today, even if it's a virtual one!!


  1. Hugs to you, Mary! How generous are our friends!!! But then the old saying goes, "to have a friend is to be a friend"!

  2. Ah, this is making me mist up a bit. I like your idea of the three symbolic stones. Make sure mine has that teal green tint to it. ;-)
