
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


The day we all dread......sewing machine failure.....has arrived.  The problem with needing a repair around here is distance....the closest repair guy for my machine is 3 hrs. round trip away.  AND.....a long wait......  So my activities will be geared toward handwork till I get this figured out.

 Of course I turned to the standby pile of resist dyed felted wool that I created a year ago.  I'm down to my last 3 pieces.  This is another tiny one.....about 6" sq.
 I've begun embellishing with some simple chicken hen embroidery type stitching in the green section.  Followed by a row of raised seed beads around the stars.  
The 'perfect' color beads in my stash are fairly uneven in size so this task is a tad frustrating as I need to resort the beads I pick up, trying to find uniformity which allows the rows of beads to sit better.

We are on our 2nd day of non-stop snow so since getting out of the house isn't happening today....I should be able to make nice progress....stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Neither sleet, nor snow, nor broken sewing machine nor uneven beads, kept you from
    your art!

    Getting caught up on my blog reading over here..nice to visit you, again!
