
Sunday, March 3, 2013


In 2011, the 14 member fiber group (PTA - Professional Textile Artists) I belong to launched their most successful and inspiring 'challenge' to date.  I blogged about it back then but now I want to provide some updates.  

We were each to select a 2-dimensional artist, living or dead that inspired us.  Then we were to create our own version of their work.  This grouping of wall quilts is now known as the "Inspired By" exhibit.  It is currently on display at Quilt Fest of New Jersey lX - World Quilt Festivals.  Next, it will move onto the Denver National Quilt Festival Vlll in May.

A recent article in the Smithsonian Magazine about my chosen artist, Banksy, was brought to my attention by PTA member Lynne Harrill.  This guy is sooooo fascinating.  You may want to take the time to learn more about him here and more here.

He's a street artist from the UK who has gained international fame in the form of graffiti....and beyond.  The next two photos are of his work.  Click any of the following to enlarge.

 -Bethlehem - taken 2005 by Markus Ortner - permission to upload under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.....

- Shop Until You Drop, Mayfair, London - 2012 photo by QuentinUK -  permission to upload under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.....

Our "Inspired By" exhibit is hung with the signage above and below to aid the viewer with an understanding about the various artists who have inspired each of us.
This is my piece......             WASH DAY 30" X 24"  

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