
Sunday, February 17, 2013


My yard art post received so many comments, both on the blog and emails, that I thought it might be a good time to look in the rear view mirror.  Like or perhaps unlike many quilters, I am mostly self taught.  In fact early on, I had no idea even that there were such things as quilt guilds.  Thanks to my long time friend Kay Sorensen  I was introduced to the North West Suburban Quilt Guild (Chicago area).  The rest I guess is history.....I was hooked.

I began making traditional quilts....mainly two colors and when I finally branched out to scrap quilts....yup...I was still coordinating.  The sign of an A type personality I guess.

Eventually, my mind and thoughts began to wander since sitting at the machine making block after block was not all that enjoyable to me.  I started keeping a journal....NOT for profound thoughts....I really don't have any of those!  Rather, it was a way to document ideas and themes I found interesting.

Here's a page that has been featured in my lecture "Viewed With A Smile", which covers the making of many of my 3-D folk art pieces.  To this day, I still keep's a marvelous method to jump start ideas.

"Pulled From Every Direction"
As you can see, the crazy figure in the cartoon provided inspiration for me.  The piece is hand appliqued and hand quilted.  All of the pieces you see in this post are available for purchase here.....scroll through my shop to learn more details. All the photos here are clickable for a larger view.

Now that my teaching suitcases are getting ready to be zipped for the last time at the end of 2014.....these show pieces/published wall quilts are looking for new homes.

"Bacon & Eggs"
Both 'the huband' and myself are Wisconsinite's....even though we now live in NC.  While living there we often took long drives through that beautiful state.  On one such outing I noticed a sign posted along side the driveway of a farm.  It said, "Pigs & Chickens".  Immediately I thought...hummmm  Bacon & Eggs....and here is the result of that 15 second snap shot I took in my mind.

 "Here Come The Hybrids"
A fabric company approached me with an invitation to create a quilt for a traveling pay.....but free fabric..  They were so flattering about my work that yup....I said yes.  When I saw the fabric I nearly fainted.  

The exhibit was called "Enchanted Gardens"....but the style of the theme fabrics was Victorian.  Oh my...who did they think they were asking to make a quilt?!? I do/did folk art, not fussy Victorian.  However, the companion fabrics were great.....

And "Here Come The Hybrids" was the outcome.  We were not able to use any other fabric but theirs.....and I really disliked the border I covered it up with seed packages that I laminated and attached by machine.  The bulk of the motifs are 3-D, hand appliqued and embellished.

"Be Lighthearted"
 My twin sister was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2000. I made her a quilt featuring hearts for her hospital bed.  And.... without realizing it, I spent the next year making quilts that contained some form of hearts.  It really wasn't something I decided to do.....or like I said, even realized that trend at the time....

"Be Lighthearted" is mostly hand appliqued, embellished, and machine stitched. 

Now as I look at these quilts posted here, I am surprised at all the brown/dark and muddy colors I've chosen for such humorous themes.....  But, then again, if you look at my current work, I continue to be more comfortable working with lower contrast fabrics.....guess ya can't teach an old dog new tricks!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed seeing some of your 'previous' work(s)!! How interesting!!
    We are so excited...our grand daughter has been accepted at East Carolina University in NC for her masters!!! She's accepted a graduate assistant athletic training position! Who knows...I might get to NC yet!
