
Monday, February 25, 2013


As I feared, blogging during my time at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival turned out to be impossible.'s a wrap up of some of the highlights.
My trip began with a drive to Asheville to meet up with Judy Simmons and Linda Cantrell....both of whom were also teaching at the conference.  Stuffing Judy's car with all the needs of 3 teachers was quite a feat....I'm not sure we could have added a single item more.  This is the view from a side door.
.....and THIS IS the view from the back hatch.  Another layer of 'stuff' and Judy wouldn't have been able to see out the back window!
So.....after 7 1/2 hours of driving & non-stop chatter.....we arrived at the hotel where documenting of this trip Linda is doing here.
 Taking a photo of what you might wonder??  Well...that's myself on the left and Judy on the right as we were trying to convince Linda to push our cart toward the elevator so we could go back down to the car to pick up another load of luggage.
Instead, I pushed Linda!
 Happily, we were assigned rooms next to each other.  As I unpacked....a knock echoed on my door.  Here came the girls with the cutest slippers.....being on our feet all day teaching requires comfy evening foot wear.
 Adorable, no??

Ever wonder what a quilt show floor looks like during set up?  Piles of merchandise await busy vendors attention!

Tomorrow I'll share some of the fabulous quilts in the competition.....

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