
Friday, February 1, 2013


After over a week of postings about the marbleized piece I'm working's still not finished.  I'm trying to resolve the finishing details but now have a germ of an idea how to until then....

I see so much about 'doodling' on other blogs...and the results are so intriguing.  Sadly, stick a pencil or pen in my hand and my ability ranges from a 4-5 year old!

However, I can doodle with a needle in my hand.....

This again is one of my resist dyed felted wool treasures....and I'm down to only 3 more to go before I MUST make more!!  It's tiny, measuring only 6.5" x 5.5".
Embellishment potentials are gathered.....

And the doodling has begun......  What a fun way to begin the 2nd month of 2013....a day in the studio because it's snowing horizontally and only 17 degrees.....  Hope you get some stitching time today too!


  1. Doodle away girl - you should see the stack of paper I have at work. you'd think that was all I ever did.

  2. Well, look at that. I love it. The color, the texture of the wool, the stitching, just everything.

  3. Pencil or pen and paper don't inspire doodling in me either, however I really like what you're doing here. Great idea.
    best, nadia

  4. Wonderful! A small kit to carry around and you're set (much better than my big ole sketchbook and all my assorted pens and pencils!

  5. COOL!! I feel the same way with pen & paper... and while not confident with needle and thread, at least comfortable... thanks for sharing Mary!

  6. sooo glad everyone is grabbing needles again - love all the texture the thread adds to the pretty felt!

  7. Love the beading and embroidery. Yes, why is pen doodling so different from stitch doodling? Thanks for sharing.

  8. oooh, that looks like it's going to be interesting! it's already interesting!

  9. I like this piece with the doodling. I feels happy to me :)
