
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


On my final day in AZ....we did the tourist thing.....attending an arts and craft festival at Gold Rush Days in Wickenburg, AZ.....

 Before we headed out.....I wanted to cut open some of my felted wool balls...thinking I'd have some neat interiors to show off.  Too funny.....when I sorted my pieces......dah....I mixed them up. So instead of finding wonderful streaks of color inside...I found a wad of batting.  

To speed up the process of making these felted balls and reduce the amount of roving required....I start with a hunk of wet batting as the foundation.....we all got a great laugh.
 Another important task was to hang Nan's new many quilters does it take to hang one wall hanging?  Definitely 3!!  (Nan on left, Sue on the right.)  I was providing the instructions....up on the down on the left....
 The craft show was inspiring...though if I wasn't allergic to metal, I know I'd have been panting even more.  Lot's of wonderful jewelry.  There was lots of wonderful pottery too, but that isn't an item one can purchasewhen flying!

I got a huge kick out of this booth.  They were selling hats/caps for dogs.....however not for our big black lab dog size.  Instead they were for  more cuddly dogs.  I swear they must have drugged all 4 dogs on display.....they hardly cracked their eyes open. Instead...they were snoozing away on their pillows!!
 If you are a dog might try clicking on the photo to enlarge and get a better view....
As we were walking back to our car I spotted this unique recycled 'glass' planter wall.  Someone must have had 'fun' collecting those bottles....

So...I bid farewell to AZ and look forward to 2014 Art Camp (fingers crossed that I'm invited again!!)

I was hoping to have the time today to get started on a new project...even though I'll be away all next week teaching at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival and really have very little spare time.  

But....grrrrr...and don't you HATE it when this happens....  #1 our internet router failed - like the 3rd we had 'the man' in to try a different model....and #2.....we ran out of propane for our fireplaces.  That may not sound dire but the greatroom in our home has ceilings about 23' tall.....the room is always COLD w/o that extra source of heat.  To top things off....the burners wouldn't light afterwards and we spent about an hour+ pouring over the manual before we finally solved the problem.  Good thing I came back all relaxed and ready to cooperate with life.....grinning....

1 comment:

  1. love going to markets and art fairs. We're heading to one north west of Gainesville on Monday...I'm just catching up on your blog so I'm sure you had lots more fun!!! Good luck next week!
