
Monday, January 28, 2013


'The husband' is and always has been a car nut....he loves them....actually anything with an engine makes him happy.  A guy thing for sure.

I must be over-exposed to this subject because I noticed this 'car mouse' at a quilt shop when I should have been looking at the bolts and bolts of fabric!
 So, every year at the end of crazy (mostly men) flock to Daytona Beach, FL for the Rolex 24 Hour LeMans race.  Yes, you read that right....24 hours....and that means non-stop driving.  What is particularly irritating to someone like me who is dragged along, is that the darn thing doesn't begin till 3:30 PM. on a Saturday....meaning half of the race is in the dark.  Even in FL it's chilly (and often darn right COLD) when the sun goes down with the wind whipping off the ocean.  And really??  24 hours?? Wayyyy toooo long for this gal!  Fortunately, we don't stay all night but our time at the track is sizable since of course one needs to arrive the day before to view practice sessions etc. 
 So I try to amuse myself people watching and just plain taking it all in. This race is a clone of the very famous 24 Hour LeMans (France) race which was made even more well known in the 1971 movie, LeMans, starring Steve McQueen.  A huge ferris wheel is an icon at that race track and not to be outdone.....the Daytona International Speedway has one too.

 Camera toting guys stroll the garage area....where EVERYTHING is branded...seriously....I don't think there's anything left that isn't sponsored!
 Not only does one watch the race......many spectators are hooked up to scanners to monitor driver to pit conversations, plus the announcers non-stop chatter. There are loud speakers but even if you are standing beneath one...the cars are soooo loud you can't hear a word anyone is saying.
"Body" parts......and as beat up as these cars get...having extra parts are necessary.  There are various 'classes' of cars that all run in at the same time....some are capable of traveling much faster than others...which makes the race more interesting.
We cheer for Porsches....and one of the drivers of this car is Patrick of the few Americans drivers.

 Someone who may be less than interested in the actual race (her first name is Mary) might be wandering around and spot this lovely floral display in used tires.  
 ......and a youngster fishing while riding on a skate board along the lake's boardwalk.
 ......and drivers all suited up.
 .....and a display of vintage VW's.  Believe it or not.....the Porsche was born out of a VW!!
So.....that's how I spent the last couple of days.....and why my projects are not advancing!  I wish I could say that this will be the last race I have to attend this year......sadly.....that isn't so.

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