
Monday, January 7, 2013


I'm honored that the oh so good blog "And Then We Set It On Fire", published a link to my blog.  I'm new to that group and have already spent A LOT of time reading past posts!!

This past week Beth has posted daily tutorials to help followers learn new embellishment techniques....well done!!

 Which brings me to my post for today.....inspiration from unusual objects can be challenging to develop but oh sooo much fun.  My personal life is going to be REALLY busy for the next 7-10 days....but hopefully I'll be able to work on this new project, if even only a little bit.

The piece of blue/yellow/white fused glass was a gift from a friend.  It started out as a pin....which I loved.  However, I rarely wear jewelry anymore so I asked 'the husband' to remove the pin back.  He cautioned me...breakage could occur...  There is a small crack...which actually can't be felt and doesn't go all the way through, so I'm going to try to hide it during the beading process.

I'm not sure where this is going.....except to say I'm using Woolfelt (manufactured by National NonWovens) and that the finished piece will be small.  So stay tuned.... case there are any new readers lurking from the 'Fire' blog.....Perhaps you might enjoy seeing some other unusual focal items I've utilized in my pieces.  Several are available for purchase at my blog shop.


  1. Love the 'pin' leftover piece!! Can't wait to see it part of a piece!!

  2. It's great fun to watch how your art is evolving. I'm such a big fan, own 2 of your pieces and have my eye on a third.

  3. I've dabbled with my jewelry stash from time to time...and just used a few pieces in a new project. Yours are fabulous and make me want to pull out more of it!
