
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This project has gone from 3 hrs. of intense beading to about 3 hours of studying at it on my design wall and muttering to myself!

 The vision for this little piece was to keep it fresh and uncluttered.  And that took nearly 3 hours of indecision while shifting a dozen small Woolfelt accent motifs around.  I kept wanting to incorporate more than was good for the overall design. 
Once the composition was finally 'right' took a mere 30 mins. to bead it.  Actually this small amount of beading should really take 15 but of course there was the time required to audition beads and stitches.....

So...what's next??  Probably hand stitching the background....not sure how or with what threads yet......  

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I quit counting the time it takes awhile back. It would drive me crazy! Lookin good there!
