
Sunday, December 9, 2012


A new wrinkle on the annual white elephant exchange.......a savager hunt as part of one gift.

 This note was found on the gift that Linda selected....
 Inside the package.....she found this note....
 Linda dutifully retrieved the bag which weighed about 20 pounds......
 It was filled with fabric and this note......
 Here's just some of the fabric from the bag.....and the green box....which was also filled with fabric.  Hummmm.....was someone cleaning out their stash!?!?
 Another very large gift bag was left till almost last....everyone was avoiding it due to the size.  It was truly the gift that kept's one of the dozens of items from the bag.
 ....And this.....
 ......and this bird that Gen is holding.  The 'bird' has been a mascot of the PTA group for got broken on a trip to Paducah...and has now been glued back together.  For awhile the location of 'the bird' was a new 'bird' took its place.  I suspect both of them will be turning up in unexpected places.  For instance....perhaps it will be left in some one's pantry when she wasn't looking!  The 'birds' make the rounds....  After I found it in my car trunk (thanks to Georgia Bonesteel)......I passed it on by hiding it in a member's bed at our retreat!
 .....did I say this gift bag contained treasures??  Or would you consider this pure junk??  By now tears were streaming down our faces as more and more 'stuff' came out of the bag.....
Yup.....Gen's still digging items out of the bag.....she was a good sport, but ya gotta wonder who on earth had all those awful things in their house?  Perhaps a creative PTA member went shopping at the thrift store!?!?

SEWING COMMENT:  I've been working on the fern wool piece that I posted recently and now have a plan how I want to finish it.  I hope to have time today to continue, however there will be no stitching tonight.  It's Sunday night football......Packers vs Lions......  Faithful reader Robbie from Michigan has graciously said she'd cheer on the Packers since the Lions are out of the playoff race this year.  The Pack needs to win to keep up with the Chicago Bears PACKERS!!

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