
Thursday, December 13, 2012


The Fiber Junkies met at Judy Simmons home yesterday for our holiday party. Part of the day's activities was to plan next year's meetings....we will be exploring more screen printing (can't get enough of that!), fimo, felting balls/geos/faux rocks, beading, our list is long and our enthusiasm is great!

 Judy goes all out decorating her beautiful truly got me in the Christmas spirit.
I was afraid I was becoming an old curmudgeon....we haven't put up a tree for years now......without family nearby to celebrate with.....somehow I've lost my enthusiasm for all that extra work.  Thank goodness my friends still have the Christmas spirit cause it's catching!
 Our show and tell was a bit thin this month but Kate brought this quilt which made up for it.  Though she isn't a grandma yet....she's ready for that granddaughter if and when....  
The quilt features paper dolls....which brings back happy memories to many a viewer.  
Besides the fun of examining the dolls on the quilt....Kate doubles the fun.  She's pressed Pellon fleece to this yardage of items to dress the dolls.
 The fleece sticks to the quilt to provide an immediate new look.  Think of the fun a little girl would have with this treasure.
Judy is such a fan of paper dolls, she immediately plopped down on the floor and began to add clothing to the quilt!
And in the spirit of Christmas....Kate presented Judy with a panel so she can create a quilt for her new granddaughter.

What could be better....good friends, good food, and fiber fun.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! and the paper dolls sure did bring back memories!
