
Sunday, December 23, 2012


Since moving to Western North Carolina mountain area we've made several trips to Nashville, TN to attend the Grand Ole Opry, held at the historic Ryman Theater in the winter months.

No shows were scheduled during Christmas this year.....but luckily our favorite, internationally known Bluegrass group, Daily and Vincent had a show at the Performing Arts Center in Franklin, NC.

Each time we see this group we swear they can't get any better....and every time they do.  So....sit back and enjoy this short video I took.....and catch the Christmas Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Music makes you smile doesn't it! also, gives me happy feet!!! thanks!
    p.s. Well, packs did it today but....don't think they needed to get all those points...good thing their 1st stringers & Aaron didn't get hurt!! Would have been a good opportunity for 2nd and 3rd stringers to get some play time. Makes you wonder. Guess I wouldn't make a good coach would I!!HA
