
Friday, November 23, 2012


So......did all the Thanksgiving Day goodies require you to unsnap your waistband last night??  Good thing this food fest is only once a year.....though we ought to remember to be thankful every day!

 Here's our prep. center....... peanut oil and a Butterball turkey deep fryer.
 'The husband' likes to brine the turkey for about 24 hrs. ahead of time.
 About an hour before frying the's removed from the refrigerator, the brine drained, turkey patted dry and placed in it's frying basket.
 After a mere 50 mins. in the deep fryer for our 12 pound turkey......ta's done.  Seriously, for those of you that never experienced this culinary delight....I can positively guarantee it IS NOT GREASY.  Hard to believe but true.  

Of course we will be eating turkey & all the trimmings for the next two weeks to come since there were only the two of us yesterday......but no one is complaining.
Dessert anyone???  No....we didn't have Twinkies...but I have to admit 'the husband' would eat a cow pie if it was frosted with chocolate.  Though, I would eat a cow pie if it was covered with cheese and someone told me it was a pizza.

Actually, we've never seen Hostess products in this part of the country (although to be honest.....we really never shopped for them....haven't touched such stuff in probably 25 years...hummmm maybe that's why they are going out of business?!?)  BUT...of course when you think you can't get it want it.  

Perhaps I shouldn't admit this......but after not being able to find Hostess goodies in our stores, (they only carry Little Debbie products), 'the husband' went to his favorite shopping source..... AMAZON!!  I know, I know....ridiculous.....but that doesn't mean I didn't eat one!!!

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