
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So....while I've been stitching patchwork blocks in the daytime.....evenings are always reserved for handwork.....and this is the project I've been working on.
 Like always....we quilters tend to gather our supplies before we dig in and start getting creative.  I don't always use everything.....but for me, being thoughtful as I begin is helpful.  Narrowing down choices makes for faster decisions as the work goes on.
 My background is National NonWoven's 80/20 Woolfelt, straight off the further felting was done.  I've thread basted a stabilizer to the wrong side. Outlining the desired finished size of the piece also helps with motif placement.

 Using a chalk wheel, lines were marked which I followed with a simple straight stitch.  Construction-wise.....this provides a bit more support for the embellishing and also adds some interesting texture to the background.
Try as I might, I can't quite get the correct color of the yellow Woolfelt pieces to translate to my photo.  It appears yellow but is a bit more limey-yellow.

Please visit tomorrow for more process photos along with the finished piece.


  1. Thanks for showing your process and naming your supplies. I'm new to working with wool and stitches, so that information is very helpful. I will be watching to see what develops. Come see me at Off the Wall Fridays, too!

  2. Visiting from Quilt, Arts, Whatever. Looking forward to your post tomorrow!

  3. I enjoyed seeing how the project progressed from start to finish!
