
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I've been feeling VERY scattered lately due to a hectic 'real life' schedule which hasn't allowed me enough time to sew.

Determined to get calm my nerves, I grabbed a pile of supplies that I'd organized last week and headed for the TV.  We are late to join the fan base of the TV show "Breaking Bad".....but are catching up thanks to Netflix.  So with one eye on the TV and one on my sewing.....I began a new project.

I meant to take a photo of the 'before' but was so anxious to start sewing.....well.....I just plain forgot.

This is another tiny resist dyed felted wool piece.....about 6" x 7" which doesn't allow much room for more surface design.  When I took this photo last night, I'd all but decided to remove the blueish beads - in person they feel too big - however, in the photo, the affect is positive.  Let's see what happens.....

I have a full day today hanging our PTA member exhibit: Ha Ha - Made You Laugh at Gallery 86, Waynesville, NC.  Hope to get some fun photos to share with you tomorrow.


  1. OK, I'll ask...what does the number(s) 57 represent? Nice! piece!!

  2. 57? No meaning at all....just the numbers I happened to pick up that fit when I was resist dyeing this piece of wool that I felted! Hoping it will mean something to somebody and that they will want to own it!
