
Sunday, October 28, 2012


The annual trek to Houston for Quilt Market and Festival is underway.....I won't be attending this year but two of my quilts will.  They are part of the 2,185 (YES you read that right......2,185!!!) quilts  that the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative will be displaying this year for sale.  If you are sure to visit Row S, (hard right as soon as you enter the exhibit area from the front of the George R Brown) October 31 to November 4th.

I believe my quilts will be available the first hopefully their sale will bring my contribution over the $2,000 mark raised in the priority quilt category alone!

Please consider supporting this worthy cause.....visit here to see each and every quilt up for sale...donated by quilters near and far!  If you can't purchase one in person, don't forget....each month from the 1st - 10th, priority quilts are posted for the monthly online auction.
 Long Needle Pine  by Mary Stori
Rose Quartz by Mary Stori

1 comment:

  1. Your pieces are lovely...I have supported Ami's AAQI by quilt donations and purchasing. It's for a great cause! I'm sure your pieces will go quickly!!
