
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


WANTED.....1 good home for 1 bad dog......

Or perhaps this post should read......

 ....NOW YOU SEE IT......
....NOW YOU DON'T!!!!

After spending DAYS making these felted wool faux rocks.....of which the above bowl was totally filled (well over a quart for sure).  They are now gone......and all that is left is one lone rock which was inside one of the faux stones (the rest contained wool or cotton batting).

I KNOW labs love to eat....Sooty has proven that to be true with several mis-adventures....BUT THIS.......  I'm soooo peeved and what makes it worse is that yelling at her will do no good, neither will punishing her.  We were gone when she apparently helped herself to the bowl that was decoratively sitting on a bench in our greatroom.  Sure it was at her height.....but who'd have thought? NO....I refuse to take responsibility (well maybe a little).

After she recently ate 4+ cups of cooling Chex Mix off the kitchen counter, 'the husband' had a talk with her and he said she promised to behave.  NOT......
So, I'm fuming and she doesn't understand why I'm giving her the cold shoulder.....worse yet......none of this wool has yet passed through her system.  If we end up with huge vet bills.....she truly will be looking for a new home....or else I will be.  THE END.....


  1. OMG! I just read your email and had to check out what Sooty did...guess he thought they were treats for him!! You might want to check with vet...they might recommend a 'quick' way for him to digest or pass...good luck with that!! Did I tell you about me thinking Kalee had eaten one of my carving blades a few wks ago? Rushed her to the vets for x-rays...she did eat it, thank goodness...maybe Kalee and Sooty need to be together!!! Sooty will learn..she's still a pup and learning to be a good girl...10 years from now you'll say "what a good dog"! :)

  2. ahhh can you help it they look so delicious!! our furbabies are always teaching us a lesson, patience is the first..I hope she passes them give it some time.

  3. Awww bad Sooty, animals love wool and the last puppy we had ( a bull mastif) fell in love with a needle felted character that took me ages to make, when i came home there was wool from one end of the loungeroom to the other and my character doll was no more lol

  4. Oh Mary! I'm so sorry!
    All your hard work down the "drain".
    Now, go have a look at this site

    It'll make you feel a little better about Sooty... Or at least give you a chuckle to know that you're NOT THE ONLY ONE!

  5. That bites!! Makes me think twice about getting another dog:)
    You took a great pic of them though!

  6. oh I am so sorry for all your hard work. Dogs are so lovable but sooo hard to love when they are naughty because you can't get them to understand why they are naughty.
    I carved and painted a Singer sewing machine 'car' when my son was doing them for his youth club - parents could also enter. Pepper was in the chewing wood stage and found it later where I had it on display and gave it some rather distressing marks. or maybe I was the distressed on.
    Sandy in the UK

  7. OH NO! I hope the wool passes easily and that no vet bills are required. Perhaps the lanolin in the wool will help them pass easily. ;)

  8. OMG tooo funny!!! what made him think that they were yummy?? Sighhhh leave it to the ones we love to think our art is edible! Sorry about the rocks though - they were interesting!
