
Sunday, September 16, 2012


So.....I hope you all have logged in some good stitching time during my short absence.  I should be back on full throttle soon.....feeling better each day. (note the racing terminology)

"The husband" is a car fanatic and I'm often dragged to endure long days at hot, loud, and uncomfortable race tracks.  This weekend we visited one we've never attended before and were treated to lovely weather.

 This is the view of the Porsche Paddock at the Virginia International Racetrack. The PCA volunteers did a great job of sorting the cars as they came into the reserved parking lot by model, evenly spaced, front ends all lined up. It was pretty impressive.
Members of the Porsche Club of America have access to a hospitality tent that hosts many activities.  One that is always anticipated is 'tech talk' by Porsche representatives from Germany.

Of course I rarely understand what the heck the questions or answers refer to, but those that do really appreciate all the inside info.

This is how the day goes......loud cars going round and round.  Actually the location of this Porsche Club space was one of the best we've experienced anywhere.  It was close to the track and in view of numerous treacherous turns....lot's of action!  A Porsche came in 2nd in the GT class.  (Ya, I know TMI)

I'm sure this is as boring to you as it often is to me.....but kuddos go to VIR (Virginia International Racetrack) for NOT allowing tents and other canopies in some areas.  So often the grounds of race tracks are dotted with these creature comforts (which I TOTALLY understand) but they hamper the viewing badly for the bulk of the race goers.

In closing, and hopefully you'll forgive me for another possible boring subject.....the NFL suicide pool that I went out of last week on week #1 had a BIG upset this week.  38 participants went out today on just 1 pick.  They all selected New England to win....and surprisingly, they lost.  I don't know what the full tally of games will be....but I can say now near the end of week 2.....over half of us 66 are OUT.  That's what makes this specific pool so interesting......big ups and downs.

Thanks for listening.....

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