
Thursday, September 6, 2012


Let the games begin!!!  And I couldn't be more pleased with the Cowboy's win over the Giants last night....not that I give a rip about the Cowboys (sorry if you are a fan)....

My delight is merely because a Giant's loss last season caused me to go out of our annual Suicide NFL pool after about 6 weeks.

My nephew has been running this fun pool now for several years.  The rules are easy.....each week you select one and only one team to WIN.  If they do, you remain in the pool another week.....the last one standing wins the pot.

This year 63 eager fans are participating...the pot is $1260.'s the hard part.  Whatever team you pick to win, can NEVER be selected again.  So obviously, some strategy is involved.

Since I'm a major Green Bay Packer fan, growing up about 60 mins. from Lambeau Field, basically I only care about the this helps me get more invested in the rest of the games.  Especially since seeing the Packers on TV in this area is not a frequent happening....well unless you go to a sports bar.   Hummmm, which one will be visiting on Sun. afternoon??

1 comment:

  1. WOW...I should have my hubby join your fantasy football league! He's in 3 for sure and I think one more!!! I have to admit I'm a Manning fan...of both!! Especially when they are on SNL!Gotta love football!!! We're lucky all our Lions games are on TV...
