
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Happy, happy is me when I have handwork to look forward to during our endless evening of watching anything that features anything with wheels and a motor, auctions, pawn shops, and now even wild hog round ups!!

Yes, I do have my own trivial shows that 'the husband' could make fun of....but at least I don't foist them on anyone else as I view them in my studio!  Grinning.....

 Obviously that sort of entertainment doesn't require paying close attention, heck any attention!!  So, I'm stitching away instead.  The densely felted and hand dyed wool is now backed with a non-fusible stabilizer.  Machine stitching has been added to provide more texture and interest.
Now the fun begins......playing with beads.  I'm not sure where this is going....several years ago I created something similar, encrusted with beads that was donated to AAQI....  The process gives me enjoyment and hopefully the finished product will as well.  I'll keep you posted.


  1. We'll be watching! Your beading/sewing that is! OK, along with the 'shows'!

  2. Ohh Mary so glad you joined 'cause now you got me wondering where this is going! I love bead work but never quite sure where to add it! Love the colors!

  3. My husband went to bed, but he left the Pawn Shop on for me to enjoy! I'd rather blog with you. The beading your are adding adds so much color and interest. I am eager to see more.

  4. Love these colors, and I can't wait to see it with the beads. We apparently watch a lot of the same shows - and now there's football, so I should be able to get a lot of handwork done. (I see you live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, another thing we have in common. I live on top of a mountain in western NC.)

  5. Here I am in Cary, NC. Hi to both Mary and Jeanne... we meet online, but not across so many miles. I love to work with beads, and felted wool, and also do some garment sewing.... alas, so far without a pattern. I hope we can continue to meet up on Fridays through Nina's generous postings!
