
Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today was our local animal rescue's 7th annual dog walk. It's Sarge's biggest fund raiser of the year.

 Our pooch Sooty, I'm ashamed to say, was one of the worst behaved dogs attending. She wasn't really naughty, rather it was a case of total over-excitement, causing super human power to control her on the leash.
Even quilters got in on the act by creating and donating a Christmas quilt to quilter was Chris Kroot of Waynesville, NC.
Several dogs were dressed for the occassion.....loved this poodle....who was even sporting sunglasses!  Next year our Sooty will be dressed better than just a Packer's scarf!!
A line of well behaved dogs while we waited to started our 6 block parade through downtown. 
I believe their goal was to register 500 dogs for the walk......we are guessing they met it.....look at all the walkers for blocks ahead of where we were....

Perhaps more dog training is in order for our dog......I didn't post about her recent BIG oops, mainly because this was just as much our fault.  She managed to get a large aluminum pan, overflowing with pulled pork...right off 24 hours on the smoker, off our kitchen counter.  It was covered with plastic wrap and cooling a bit before storing in the she got this thing off the counter, onto the floor...right side up w/o spilling a drop is beyond me.  I found her with her head buried into the pan after she'd eaten about half the pan....probably about 2 pounds.  Amazingly...she didn't get sick.  Hey, she's a lab....labs are always hungry and will eat anything!


  1. OK...I stopped laughing about the 'Sooty oops' moment! But I still have a smile on my face. It's really not as bad as Kalee grabbing my glasses off the table! She ran all over the house and WOULD NOT go in her crate! She always goes in her crate when you say "crate" now it's costing my $307 for new lens!!! I'd prefer her to have eaten the pork!

  2. Our first lab downed a large kettle of stew - at least 2 lbs worth - while we were out of the house. We too wondered how in the world she got it off the back of the stove - a heavy pressure-cooker type of pot. Said pot was upside down on the kitchen floor when we returned, said labrador looking innocent. Picked up the pan expecting a mess to clean up but it was whistle clean as was the floor. How'd she do that? She burped beef stew for hours... Yup, that's a lab for you!
