
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sorry....still not much sewing going on so I hope this post will be of interest to you instead.  We are now into our 7th year living in the mountains since relocating from Wisconsin.  We are still fairly shocked that we made this huge change in our life style, but overall happy that we did.

Yet.....NC will of course never be home to me. The culture continues to be somewhat foreign. Food is one area where I find a big difference. I'm sure Carolinian's would be just as surprised walking through our supermarkets as I continue to be here.  But....ya gotta people really eat these things???  

Yikes...smoked neckbones, pork chunk fatback, ham hocks, pork side meat (what's that?  bacon??), & pork cracklins......just give me a Sheboygan Brat served on a Sheboygan Hardroll...mustard and dill pickles.  NO....not sauerkraut or ketchup or sweet pickles.....I'm not flexible.  To top this off.....well....I'm sure you all can guess.....  Yes, a Culver's Chocolate Concrete Malt!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...being raised on a farm I still have problems eating even chicken these days! You'd think the foods you mentioned wouldn't be 'shocking' but....I'll stick to my veggies, thank you!
