
Sunday, July 8, 2012


I received an email from Kathy....a follower of this blog who said, "STOP....I'm pea green.....don't tell me anymore or I'll be going out onto the street to pickup the first group of women I see and ask if they want to marble fabric with me!!" How hilarious.  I do hope these posts will encourage you to seek out some like-minded fiber lovers and plan your own play dates.

Here's more about our adventure....of course what happens outside the studio time stays private....grinning...
Kate suggested setting up a supply table which was so handy.  However, we barely made a dent in all the paints everyone brought....
 Some were vintage and required thinning with a bit of water.  I can't tell you how many colors we used....a lot....and many were mixed to achieve delicious combinations. The ultimate favorite of all.....blueberry and metallic blueberry.  Judy made both these mini whisks and rakes years ago for the marbling workshops she taught.  We were so lucky to have these supplies on hand! 
 And the studio space, inside and out was to die for.  It's been blistering hot the fabrics dried super quick. 
Drying racks were put to use as well as the large clothes line. Many pieces were printed two or three times, so it was really helpful to have such a short drying period.
 To help provide or entice you into trying this's a view of some paints suspended in the solution....ready to accept the fabric.

Here's the 'printed' fabric.  Notice there is little or no paint left in the solution....only a bit of discoloration remains.
I mentioned yesterday how exciting it is to see the fabric begin to absorb the paint pattern.  You may have to click on this photo to enlarge it.....hopefully it will give you some idea.  This piece was a white on white leaf pattern....look at the top of the photo to see the colors/pattern that were being printed.  Truly magic!
 Don't you just love this color combination.....this is an example of three colors being dropped and how they've spread.  It could be printed as it is, or raked and mixed to achieve other designs.
 Here 4 paint colors are utilized.
....and here just 2 paints were dropped.  The darker purples developed because more paint was applied to that area and it didn't spread as much, while the lighter ones spread more.

If you can stand the tease....I'll share more tomorrow.  Try to stay cool wherever you are....we expect another two days of heat before a cool down and hopefully some much needed rain.

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