
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My time has been consumed working on Bookworm Gardens quilt which is now all basted and quilting has begun.  The reveal will be posted when it's complete.

In the meantime, the pile of felted resist dyed wool pieces I made at a Chad Hagan workshop began to call me.  LOVE, love, love all the different designs and colors, but am finding they are a big challenge for me.

 For instance, this little guy is only 6" x 7".  (a.) There's not a lot of room to develop a design (b.) the background is very busy  (c.) embellishments must be scaled quite small.

I'm really just doodling with needle/thread/beads.....not sure where it's going. Keeping my hands busy in the evening is my goal and if this piece turns out pleasing later....well, what more can a gal ask for?

I went to bed NOT liking the beadwork in the center black lines....first thing this morning it didn't look so bad, but now an hour later....Yuck.....  Maybe as I mull ideas over today during my other tasks some other direction will come to me.  Let's see if I can improve it.

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