
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Most of my attention is being channeled towards a quilt which is being made for Bookworm Gardens (located in Wisconsin).  It's a tribute to my brother.  Rather than posting step-by-step photos, the entire story of the quilt will be shared when its completed.  This is both a sad and therapeutic journey.

In the meantime, I hope we all can get inspired as I begin to discover how to utilize some of the resist dyed felted wool pieces, made in a workshop lead by Chad Hagen.  The temptation to pet each piece every time I past the pile of fabric has been a challenge!!  It will be rewarding to start working with them....

 It was a surprise how much time it took me just to select which designs to start with and then choose some threads, beads, and other embellishments to incorporate.  The sections are small....8" x 6" editing is important here.

But with my pile of materials at hand, contentment during evening 'tv watching' (or one eye on the TV) will be assured.  There's no plan....really, I'm just doodling.  And....there's no end game here either....what will this be??  No clue....perhaps these small pieces will be framed for the wall or table top displays. 

Chad uses many of her designs as book covers......what would you do??

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