
Saturday, May 5, 2012


I try to keep this blog on task......away from politics, social causes, manufactured issues, and yes, even most family matters....however I must share with you.....we are on baby watch today!! Yippie.....  Like many mothers-to-be...sometimes the action slows down to a point that one has to go back home and wait for nature to take its course again.  So we all wait for our son and his wife to call with the good news!

This leads to my post today. Naturally it's been difficult to keep my mind on my current sewing project.  So, when I got 'volunteered' to help with planting flowers, I protested only a little bit before getting on my gardening gloves.

We have a lot of property and I can honesty say I rarely do anything more than pull a weed here and there....thankfully 'the husband' enjoys yard work.

 This is a view of the back of our house.....we have a large collection of old crocks that are perfect containers to showcase summer flowers.
 We have an abundance of planting areas surrounding our property......which I am constantly trying to fill with interesting yard art.  This gazing ball and its rusted stand is one of my favorites. 
Rhododendrons are in full bloom everywhere here in the mountains......

........while most of the geraniums and other flowering plants sold here are a bit sad looking due to the spring frost we had for two nights last week.  

Sooty is still not trustworthy enough to be left to wander......but she was happier tied outside than running window to window inside as we worked.  AND, I was happier that she wasn't ruining our window sills.

Will I be a grandma tomorrow.....I sure hope so for my daughter-in-laws sake...she's obviously ready to hold their little one in her arms instead of in her tummy!

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