
Friday, April 27, 2012


This little wall quilt has been patiently waiting for my attention.....which it received over the last couple of evenings.

All the beading has now been completed.  I had intended to fill in the blank areas of the pine cones with either beads or embroidery threads, but after showing the piece to my fiber buddies.....all were in agreement -  Leave it alone.  Your thoughts??

In the meantime, I added a bit of texture to the background by embroidering a zillion French Knots. At first I worked with 4 strands of thread, but after about a dozen complete, I realized they were overpowering the design.  So I took them out and started again using two strands of embroidery floss, in different shades of green.

The next step will be to add a backing and try to come up with some sort of edging treatment. I shuffled beads around for about an hour this morning and finally put it aside.  I will passively think about it today as I work through my other tasks.


  1. I would only fill in the pine cones if you want to draw attention to them. I think they are nice the way they are with the branch getting the attention.

  2. Perfect. Filling them in would weigh down the open, delicate feeling of the design.
