
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today the Fiber Junkies met at Val's house for the purpose of changing some 'uglies' (fabrics) and not so uglies, into more usable fabrics......I'll share some before and after photos tomorrow.....

But first I'd like you to see several pieces that Val is currently working on.  They   will be displayed at the Southern Highland's Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall.

Among Val's many talents, she's a skilled silk screen artist....

 Here's one of her deconstructed screen printed designs. I've personally found this type of fabric often has a lot of energy, making it difficult to find a visual focus.
 Val has found innovative methods to break up the designs.  For instance, she uses machine stitching, stamping, additional silk screen printing.
 Although, unfortunately my photo doesn't show the details she's can see just how much interest her pieces provide for the viewer.
 This detail is from the last photo of this post......Val screen printed one of her fascinating drawings to create a focal point.
 .....and fused some leaves....appliqueing with contrasting thread.
....resulting in a piece that is stylish, with designs that are well integrated into the deconstructed print fabric.

I'm covered in paint and frankly pooped from standing most of the day pumping spray bottles of paint.....see ya tomorrow.

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