
Friday, April 13, 2012


Before I begin my regular posting again, I want to thank you all for your many, many, many emails and blog comments.  Truly, your kind words went straight to my heart and I'm so grateful for your support.  The reason I shared this sorrow was to remind myself and perhaps you too......make sure your loved ones know how important they are to you....time is not always on our side!

But now...let's talk fiber, shall we??

I first became aware of Chad Alice Hagan because we both taught at Siever's School of Fiber Arts on Washington Island, Wisconsin.  Though we were never at the school teaching during the same time period, her felted creations always interested me.  

Fast forward and what do you know?  We are both now living in the Asheville, NC area where Chad offers workshops in her home studio.  Check out her blog to view her fabulous art, experience her sense of humor, and of course see her teaching schedule. 

I'm pretty much a self taught quilter and was lucky to find my own style early on. However, now I find my interests have expanded so I decided to treat myself to a 2 day resist dye wool workshop for my recent birthday present to me.  Oh...I wish I had another birthday next month and could do it again!!

Chad is a fabulous, organized, generous, and knowledgeable instructor.  Below, with her permission, you'll find some of her samples.....each dyed using various clever resist tools.

And here's Chad....the dye master, slaving over a hot stove as she 'cooks' our creations.

She allowed me to take some photos as we worked to give you an idea of what her approach is all about.  I'll be posting them in the next few days so hopefully it will peak your interest and you too will be bitten by the resist dye bug.  I know you'll want to add your name to one of her workshop rosters.

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