
Monday, March 12, 2012


Our life has been in an upheaval since unexpected guest will now be a member of our family.....   This event has been more time consuming than one can imagine and added to my preparations to fly to Lancaster today....I've been running in place.... yesterday around 4:00 PM I was ready to put the final touches to my packing and DRAT.....I discovered the latch was broken!*!*  

Yikes....I live in the middle of nowhere.  So where does one shop for a suitcase on Sunday afternoon?  Well.....25 mins. away to WalMart of course.  Even good quality suitcases can't hold up to the rigors of airline I purchased the best one there.  Hummmm this is cutting into my profits for this trip!!

 Everything had to be transferred from my already packed suitcase and then.....
 .....each suitcase is weighed.  One dare not exceed the 50 pound checked bag limit....especially if one is checking TWO bags, plus 2 carry ons!

 The drama wasn't over.......WHAT IS THIS??  A flat tire......  No time to change everything was moved to our other car (which is not designed for toting this much luggage)..... 
And here's the reason for all the last minute rushing around.  We adopted a black lab from our local rescue shelter on Saturday morning.  'the husband' volunteers weekly for this organization, photographing pets and posting to the internet for adoption.

This sweetie is 18 months old.  She was owner surrendered....amazing!  She's housebroken, crate trained, spayed, totally obedient....though she has a cold/virus which required a vet visit on Saturday afternoon.  Frankly, I'm not a pet lover and didn't want this responsibility but I was out voted....and of course she's already breaking my barrier!

Gotta go.....they are calling my flight to Charlotte......then I'll fly to Harrisburg and finally take a shuttle to Lancaster.....a long day but I'll be well rested for my judging duties Tuesday morning.

Will keep in touch as I can....

1 comment:

  1. Your new "sweetie" is beautiful.....What a great addition to your family....
