
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Because I have not spent the time to develop free-motion quilting skills, I hate the results when I try.  So...I was determined to put in some practice time.

Well....that did NOT go well....  I'll blame it on my machine....but only partly...I truly need to get it in for service but that requires a trip to TN.....about 90 mins. each way and then repeat that to pick it up.  So, I stall, and stall.

My needle threader is broken, the light bulb needs to be replaced, the foot petal sticks, and the thread tension is gone haywire when I drop the feed dogs.  Fortunately, it seems to work pretty well otherwise.

 I dug in anyway and after 5 passes doing little free-motion swirls, the results were a mess....bunchy, terrible uneven stitches....really!  So, I spent twice the amount of time ripping it out as I did sewing.

And yet again, I reverted to the tried and true built-in even feed foot on my machine. 
 Really, my excuses are just that....even with a finicky machine....I have ample room for the quilt to lay out flat while sewing.....I just need to sit down and practice.

With that said, I will complain back is KILLING ME....  Our new rescue dog has gone from this quiet, obedient newcomer to a run away bride.  She is truly an escape artist and now can not go out w/o a leash....nor can we have our door open for a second if she's in the same room until she learns that this 'forever' house may not be 'forever' if she gets lost or hit by a car!  

I totally screwed up my back chasing her and then hauling this elephant back home by the collar.  She is STRONG....and once I got her back in the house I couldn't straighten up.  I've had years and years of back problems, followed by numerous surgeries and have not been in this kinda pain for 20 years.

Therefore, straight stitching the quilting lines while catching up with the antics of (fill in the blank) Housewives of ________ has been about all I can do for the moment.  And frankly, that's not such a bad way to pass time!


  1. Sorry...I have to laugh a bit at your post...not at your PAIN! but at the 'newest addition'. I'm sure your little one (or big one!) will come around but...until that time you will have to be careful won't you. You might want to just keep a short leash on her while you are in the house with her to aid in the capture before she escapes! Hang in there...obedience is the key to it all isn't it! Kalee is so good at so many things but no way would I trust her to run out the door or off leash. Maybe in 10 years! Take care!!!!

  2. Mary, you really need to check out this chick's blog:
    Her name is Leah Day and she is SUPER at Free Motion quilting. She has alllllll kinds of videos on how to free-motion, and they are all FREE! She's wonderful! She came and talked to our Guild. She's young, but she really KNOWS HER STUFF!!!
    Hope your back gets better REALLY SOON!

  3. Mary says......I will check her out Wendy...thank you. Seriously, I know practice is what it takes.....I'm lucky to have really good buddies who've held my hand as I attempt to free-motion (Patsy Thompson & Sue Nickels to name 2).....I just need to sit down at the machine & suck it up!!

    Back still killing me......sigh.....
