
Monday, March 26, 2012


The Fiber Junkies began with my notion to start a small 'working' group nearly 4 years ago.  We keep the membership to 6 which allows us to meet monthly in each other's homes to explore various fiber related techniques.

We try to set goals at the beginning of the year and lay out which methods are 'good weather' ones and reserve some ideas for indoors.  Due to the terrain here in the mountains, where travel time for some of us is 60+ minutes, one way....we try to make the best use of our time together.

 This month we met at Judy Simmon's house to explore fabric paints.  She has a wonderful large, well lighted space that all of us can work in.  Look how neatly we begin!
 Each of us brought paints from our stash....which rotated around the work table as we documented the results on muslin and with note taking.  Some were painted dry, others with a wet brush, others onto damp muslin.  It was such fun to see how each reacted.
 A favorite brand was Tuskineko...which is described as an ink.  Our friend Linda Cantrell uses it a lot in her work.  It's available in traditional and spray bottles.  The spray is a bit hard to control, but you can see how that looks in the upper right corner of the next photo.
 I labled each one and along with a full pad of notes, I now have a much better understanding of how to use these products.

Judy has been stamping/painting/ for's her modest collection.  Don't you want to be her friend too?

We learned that many of the older paints had become too thick to use, so what the heck, we diluted them with water.....and ta da....they still worked.  Which brings us to our terrific idea for our next meeting....  Since each of us had lots of old and frankly unwanted paints, we are going to dilute them and using spray bottles.....transform both solid and print fabrics.  I'll report back....

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