
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I haven't attended a large quilt conference for probably 20 years without being on the it will be a totally different experience for me these next few days to be a spectator at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA.  

Several of us PTA members are making the trek (one of the small fiber groups I belong to).  Our excuse is to see our exhibit "Inspired By" (our 2011 PTA Challenge) that will be hung in the show. 

I've blogged about it numerous times before....but here's an overview for any new readers.  Each of us selected a 2 dimensional artist for our inspiration....(dead or alive - LOL).  We were not to copy their work, rather use their style to create our own piece.

The following are a few of the pieces in our show, click on photos to enlarge. Each quilt will be accompanied with signage showing a photo of our original artist.  Below are two slides for each is the actual piece we made and the other the inspiration artist's work.

We will also be hanging work from our 2010 PTA Challenge...Sunrise/Sunset...which won third place in the AQS Knoxsville Show.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love Wolf Kahn. I can't believe that someone made a quilt to match one of his paintings. I am impressed. It's gorgeous.
