
Thursday, January 5, 2012


Once I gave up the idea of adding lilly pads I moved cruised along with new ways of adding texture....

These multi-color matte beads blended in nicely....

........... Hand-dyed scrim was inserted into the holes.

 .....French knots provided more interest, as did additional stitching with silk, rayon, and other hand-dyed embroidery floss.

Weston's Marsh  9" x 7"
Presented in a 8" x 10" frame

As I mentioned previously, my inspiration came from a marsh adjoining a friend's home on the outer banks in S.C.  So....I've named the quilt in honor of them.  This photo is clickable to view a larger image.


  1. This came out great! Are you going to mount it to anything?

  2. I had my doubts about this when you first posted your "ingredients" but my, this has turned out so interesting and well. Kudos for these romps into unfamiliar territory.

  3. I too had my doubts about this piece! It's always good to travel new paths......

    ...and yes, Patsy....the piece will be mounted on off white rice paper, secured to a matt and displayed in a narrow black frame.

    Thanks for your comments!!
