
Thursday, January 19, 2012


While we were at the quilt show, my friend found this weird, almost creepy item in a vendor's booth.

It's an apron of sorts's satin with plastic baby dolls stitched on.....the larger ones have eyes that open and close.....  We didn't know what on earth to think about this.


  1. I had a friend who would exchange bad taste gifts with her sister every year at Christmas. The cheaper the better! This would fit right in with the fly swatter embroidered with a face and braided yellow yarn hair, or the gardening glove with pompons attached (and yet five more little embroidered faces) to use for five fingered dusting, or the 2" x 3" plastic zippered coin purse imprinted with a famous classic art image. We couldn't wait each year to see what they exhanged - you could start a new tradition!

  2. Hi Mary,
    Not sure were this custom began, but my sister-in-law had one of these at her wedding. When the bride and groom went around the reception talking to the guest at the table, it is a tradition to wear the baby laden apron. I think the custom has something to do with having lots of babies.

  3. Update: A google search reveals my original thought, it is a Polish-American custom. Guests would pin money on the apron when the couple walked visited the tables..
