
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Okay......I know you all read this blog to see quilts.....right??  So...even though this piece is only in the beginning stages....I'm really so anxious to see how it will develop.

 My inspiration comes from the recent trip I took to Phoenix where I spent time with two buddies.....Nan and Gwen.  The sunsets were glorious.....just the right subject for this piece of hand dyed felted wool.

 Next, I dug into my greens.....every speck of green wool I have.  Unlike working with hand-dyed cottons, where it's fairly easy to find graduated color packs, that's not the case when using commericial wool.  

 You may have guessed the other subject of my piece....of course it's cactus....

I'm planning to do some machine stitching to add texture to the motifs....which I'm sure will be followed with some beading.  I'm keeping my camera handy so I can share what comes next with you.

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