
Thursday, December 8, 2011

TIS THE SEASON FOR PARTIES! you will probably see many Christmas trees this season....but for those of us who are empty nesters and will not be hosting guests for Christmas, excuse not to decorate our's a welcome sight.

Today kicked off a round of Christmas parties for the various fiber groups I belong to.  Gen hosted our PTA gathering today.....and it's Gen I can thank for this festive view.

 Pot luck meals are nothing new to quilters.....yet I need to brag about the fest our members made......believe me....there were only crumbs left....

Here's a sample of the fantastic work Gen creates.....she's a MASTER of everything, and I swear she can make her sewing machine stand up, walk across the room and take a bow!  (Judy Simmons is captivated by another PTA member as she waits her turn at the buffet.)

 Linda Cantrell (after getting her viddles) is entertaining Dort, Georgia, and Janice while they too await their turn.

 We are of course there needs to be dessert!  Linda brought her FAMOUS coconut cake......

....and Judy treated us to these beautiful and delicious eclairs.

Another one of Gen's quilts decorates her living room wall......  Picture taking abounds with this must be careful about their never know what is being documented.....

Tomorrow my documentation continues.....

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