
Sunday, December 18, 2011


Today is such an appropriate day for this post.......why??  Well if you are a football fan you know why.....the Pack is back (though for some of us....the Pack is always alive and well, no matter what their record is.) Today all us Cheesehead/Packer backers will hold their collective breathe as the Packers try for a 14-0 record.

SANTA CAME EARLY TO THE STORI HOUSEHOLD......AND HE TOO WEARS GREEN.  We give thanks to our very, very thoughtful kids for such a perfect Christmas gift!.

 So, we get this UPS envelope.......

 .......Looking all legal and official......

......and behold.........what do we see......why, it's a GREEN BAY PACKER STOCK SHARE.  We are now official owners of the Packers!!!!

The Green Bay Packers, Inc. has been a been a publicly owned, nonprofit corporation since Aug. 18, 1923.  A total of 4,750,937 shares is owned by 112,158 stockholders, none of whom receives any dividend on the initial investment.  In fact, in this 5th (ever) round of stock sales more than 1K of stock was sold in 11 minutes. It's THE ONLY publicly owned NFL franchise in the country and that will assure the Packer will always remain in Green Bay, hopefully playing on real turf in an open air stadium (where football should be played)!!

Of course it's a glorified, yet treasured, piece of memorabilia since it can't be sold or traded. So what....we are OWNERS!!!  However, it does entitle the holder to purchase special "owner" items from the Packer Pro Shop, attend the annual stock holders meeting, AND purchase an "owners" Super Bowl Ring......just another reason to cheer on the Pack!  2011 Super Bowl Champs, I like the 'ring' of that!



  1. Wahoo!! So cool!!! Sorry about the loss today but you're team is still heading to the superbowl I'm sure!

  2. What a perfect present!!!!! They knew you well!!

  3. It's a sad day in Packer Nation......but it's better the loss is now than later.....I really do expect them to go all the way. No matter what, it's been a memorable season.
