
Sunday, December 11, 2011


Our PTA Christmas party always includes a white elephant exchange.....the process of which is a game where wrapped presents are chosen using a number system...stealing each other's open gifts is allowed when your number is called (instead of selecting a wrapped gift).  A gift can only move three times in each round of numbers gets wild!

The gifts range from nice items we all covet to the ridiculous and this year to Xrated.  Yes, I said Xrated!  I'm saving the best for on...

 To kick off the festivities...this was one of the first gifts opened.......we are still laughing.....

Perhaps you can imagine what it's like to have 13 women together....all talking at I never did get the story behind what may be a vintage clutch purse....and don't know who ended up with it, but I'd have gladly taken it home!

 I had the first number and in the bag I chose there were some beautiful marbleized fabrics made by Judy Simmons, plus some silly holiday head bands.  Connie Brown stole this gift from me......and being Connie...she immediately put on the two head bands and further embellished them with the boa that was also in the package.  She's wearing a light up Xmas tree bulb necklace that was "won" last year at our exchange.  You see why I love this group!!!  Such fun...

 This pattern was among a dozen others one of our members put together in her gift box.  I couldn't believe my eyes....what a small world.  The "No Sweat" shirt was designed by Kay Sorensen, a long time friend, whose work I admire & who guided me into joining my first quilt guild.  It was Keepsake Quilting's #1 selling pattern for a long time!

 So...then Lynne opens a gift containing one of those tacky crocheted baskets that was probably intended to hide toilet paper....but wait, that's not the funny part. She hauls out a painted plaster Father Christmas.....which was the brunt of some joking as well......

 ....and then......before we could recover from our laughing......our hostess runs into a different room and brings back one that she had on display.....awkward!

 Now the Xrated item......Linda Cantrell brought this doozy......and you can order your own from the website stated in the photo above.

 I've been trying for days to decide whether or not to show every detail but in the end I'm going to use words, rather than a photo.  So....what is it??  Mr. Hunk is on an ironing board cover......when the heat from a iron goes over the disappears......and ya, you get it....something else appears.  Gen ended up with this gift....we know she's still ironing!


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