
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


No, I haven't drowned in a sea of green tears after the Packer's loss on Sunday.  Okay, so they lost, at least it wasn't to da Bears!  Now they can concentrate on the big bring it on.....the Pack stumbled a the loss out of the onto bigger goals!

So, my heartfelt Packer Backer statement is out of the way....back to sewing...... 

Recently, I posted this pile of potential materials, along with two others, as I pulled together items for several new ideas I wanted to explore.

 I decided to start with this one.....I have no clue where I got this small (very stiff) painted fabric.  The colors are totally out of my comfort are the materials I've selected to work with.  That's good.....growth isn't possible without trying to expand knowledge.

So, after literally an hour + shuffling around pieces to highlight this cabochon, a plan was beginning to emerge.  Normally I thread baste a non-fusible stabilizer to the back of my work to support the bead work.  In this case, since needling is a pain, I opted to spray baste it to the back.  Oops.....I'm reminded WHY I don't like spray basting.....  A big glob shot out and of course migrated right to the area where I'd hand embroidered two hand dyed silk rectangles.  

Naturally, washing this junk out didn't there it is.....ah ha......a design opportunity?!?

 This is how I planned to position the cabochon....

 ....but I considered relocating the stone to cover the stain......

.....nah, after studying the design, I realized it was off balance so instead I'm now playing with tiny pieces of various hand dyed silks....thinking that a touch of color over the stain might change the mistake into an inspirational design.

Let's see what happens next....

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you create from this "mistake", so amazing to see the different things that can spark creativity! Have fun!
