
Friday, December 16, 2011


All you faithful readers of this blog already know what a hotel snob I am..... I really appreciate a four (okay 5 is better) star hotel!  Well, who doesn't?  I've had a silly routine I follow ever since I started travel teaching that makes me laugh when in the worst places and more appreciative when housed in the best.

Before unpacking, and not necessarily in this order.....I check to make sure the toilet tank isn't running (which will drive me NUTS at night), make sure some fool hasn't set the clock radio to wake me up at 3:00 AM (unless of course I'm housed so far away from the airport that my wake up call for my flight home would be at that time...not unheard of).  I also make sure the hairdryer works (not a good thing to learn at 7:00 AM), that the AC/Heat work, that the TV remote is present, that there are hangers in the closet, that the drapes can be closed without leaving that strip of light from the parking lot. (But...that's why I pack two clothes hold the drapes together!!)  You get the picture and perhaps I should stop admitting my craziness!  However, the first glance and sniff test might cause me to back out of the room and head back to the desk to be assigned another room. 

Okay so you get the picture......I make no excuses for my particular attitude...and will out and out refuse to stay in a motel with outsides entrances....a safety concern esp. for women staying alone.

 So this brings me to the subject of my blog today.....  My pal Connie gave me this cute book.  
 Click on the picture to enlarge the can purchase your own here.

I guess one could amuse themselves for hours with the suggestions in this book such as: Sugar Zen Garden (using sugar from the coffee tray), Soap Scrimshaw (carving figures into the bar of soap), and Shadow Animals (use a light source, a blank wall, and your hands.)

However, you'll need to be staying at a high end hotel to participate in many of the fun activities.  For instance: Minibar chess, Dental Floss Pom-poms (dental floss has never been provided in a Hampton Inn!), Room Service Memory Game (cover the tray with a towel and count to thirty....write down everything you can remember that was on the tray).  

A really funny one is how to make a Balcony Scarecrow...sit him on your bed, at your desk, or use a chair and place on your balcony.  It's created by using the guest hotel robe, a pillow case stuffed with a towel for the head, two more pillow cases stuffed with towels for the legs, fitted with hotel slippers....accessorize with an extra pair of eye glasses, and baseball cap or wig if you have one!

I've been subjecting hotel's to my own 5 star rating system for I have added items to consider when doing my there a hotel robe and slippers?!?!  Thanks Connie for the fun!!

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