
Monday, November 7, 2011


I can't help it.....and I'm NOT gloating faithful reader Robbie.....but, as they say in Wisconsin......HOW 'BOUT DEM PACKERS!  Good as and gold!!!!

Now....back to our fiber pursuits.....  I'm still struggling with my newest project. Previous whining about this piece can be found here

 I took off all the beads surrounding the splashes of color, added another dash of color and began again.  As you can see...I keep wanting to add other bead styles besides small seeds (which is what I thought the problem was in the first place....dah!)

After more pondering....I believe that the color palette is so far from my comfort zone...that this too is contributing to my indecision.  

After a lot of beading/unbeading/beading...... I've finally settled on scaling back the number and size of the accent beads and am now satisfied with this composition.  However, I'm no closer to a decision about how to finish the piece than I was before.  One factor that I just discovered.....there isn't enough dark purple in my stash to back/frame the piece.....hummmm

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  1. I know you love the beads! :)

    P.S. - did you know you're a no-reply blogger? You may have done it on purpose - but usually bloggers aren't no-reply so thought I'd let you know just in case. :)

  2. Gulp.....I have NO idea why the no-reply was in place....and actually have to admit I didn't even know where that function was. Thanks to's now set correctly!!
