
Friday, November 11, 2011


Yes, our show and tell this month was as inspiring as usual.  Our 2012 PTA challenge is already underway and one member (Gen) who provided us with a template that will uniform the edges of our challenge pieces brought a sample to show.  For now our plans are under wraps.....but I will share as soon as I can. (Sorry....that's such a tease!) 

 I believe I even have a inkling of an idea for my piece.  If you've never gotten involved in a group challenge, consider joining the fun.  It's truly a way to stretch your creativity!

 Judy Simmons continues to perfect methods of digital photo transfer onto a wide range of fabrics.  Here she's printed tree images onto a background fabric and overlayed it with a sheer, also printed with a tree. 

 Another piece Judy has in progress features trees as well (interestingly, several of us are working on projects using tree images!).  Some of the fabric has been screen printed and other areas she's used discharge paste to create the motifs.  Her work is always so fascinating to explore.

 Those of us who teach have found our lives impacted by our students.  Sometimes they surprise and touch our hearts by contacting us after our time together is over.  Judy received such a surprise package the other day.  A lovely lady shared some of her fiber treasures collected from around the world.  This embroidered piece is an example..... is this cotton piece which I believe she said was from Australia.

 Connie Brown collects for her recent birthday one of our members found this clever apron made from a shirt!!!  Connie had to grab some props from Barbara's kitchen as she posed for this picture!  Click on the photo to see a close up view.

 And secure to the also ties in the back with the shirt sleeves.....

 Dort made this quilt as a gift for an elderly's a map of the roads near her home.  Clearly, it must be in NC where there isn't a straight flat road within hundreds of miles.

 Dort's quilts are always so full of charming could look at them for hours!

 Connie (of apron fame) is an AQS apprasier who haunts antique sales.  She found this beauty recently.  She explained that what appears as white dots is actually tiny holes, where the batting is now visibile.  The original fabric has simply vanished....probably due to the type of dye that was used in the fabric so long ago.

It was beautifully hand quilted through a very thin batting.

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