
Sunday, November 27, 2011


I'm not much of a shopper....but there are a few favorite shops I enjoy exploring.  The Screen Door is near the top of my list and one where I could easily part with some hard earned money!

Here's a sampling of some of the innovative artists whose work is on display.

This booth featured the most adorable wall art.....highlighting vintage infant and baby clothing.  It's creator is Erin Brittain of Fabrications Designs.  Her card did not have a website listed so if you are interested, connect directly with the Screen Door folks.

 This booth, Splurge design, was very intriguing....featuring a lot of cleverly recycled materials.  This lamp is an example.....  

And here's a closeup.....

In the same booth we found this driftwood or possibly just weathered sticks made into a large Christmas tree.  It was decorated with wired/beaded ornaments (sorry they don't show up very much).

More tomorrow.....rushing today to reorganize after our company has departed for home.

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