
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Finally, the new avenue I've been exploring has come to the a happy ending.  I'd never made or worked with rusted fabric before and it was an education. I had no idea that needling would be such a challenge.

If you missed the here to learn more and then follow other past posts.  

I ended up using beads to highlight the binding, just not the way I had originally envisioned.  Instead, small black matte beads were scattered stitched along the top of the binding which compliment the chicken scratch embroidery on the body of the quilt.

A thank you goes out to Judy Simmons again for giving me the fabulous cabochon which adapted perfectly to this rusted fabric.

Elements   5 1/2" x 10"
Artist made rusted fabric, hand embroidery, bead embellished on body of quilt and binding.
(click on photo to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. I am so behind in my "blog reading"....just saw your newest piece and I love it....the rusted fabric works great...I too think it's a difficult fabric to work with but you nailed it.
