
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


INTRODUCING MY NEW BLOG!!  Mary Stori's Gallery Shop.  The blog will be a one stop shop, a place to easily view and purchase all my sale quilts.  This project has been in the works for quite awhile......designed to coincide with the reduction of my travel teaching schedule.  I will probably always teach, if someone asks, but will try to stick to local venues as much as possible in the future.

So now I'll be concentrating on using my time to create smaller pieces of work to sell.  Which leads me to the new blog.  After authoring 6 books and a DVD, not to mention a vast list of publishing credits for magazines and other specialty books, I have amassed a large collection of quilts that need new homes.

Note to collectors.......many of the pieces offered are the original quilts published in my various books (AQS appraisals are also available for several.)  Numerous quilts have been exhibited in national shows and seen on HGTV's Simply Quilts as well.

I hope you will visit the shop and send your friends too.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your ribbons. It is always a thrill to win. Your work is beautiful and this confirms it!
